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The cooperative

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Raison d’être



We formed a cooperative in order to give ecological products a fair and affordable price. What we would like is that eating healthily is not a luxury, nor a trend, nor something that attempts to make a profit from those who buy or those that produce and create.

We refuse to make a business of ecology. We strive to put food that is free from chemical or genetic modification within reach and provide support for individual, independent agriculture in avoiding the pressures of green capitalism.

Our origins


SINCE 1988

We began in an apartment in the old town, as a pantry (in catalan, 'rebost' to distribute wholesale goods, as a place to chat, to hold workshops and to raise public awareness through exhibitions.

The first group of consumers were made up of a score of people enticed by what was then an offer of ecological goods that tended to be scarce and expensive.




In ecological goods supply, we have become a consumer cooperative of reference in Catalonia.

On our 30th birthday we had grown to a family of 500 members with annual sales of more than €750,000. We have a premises of 300m² offering more than 3,000 items and providing employment for 5 members.

The Future



We wish, more than ever, to be a cooperative, to improve prices and services and to value our most involved members.

With the active and organised participation of those that form us, we self-manage from within. This allows us to increase expenditure and maintain the personality of the project whilst avoiding outsourcing.

Awards and recognition

CoopCat Award

Confederation of Cooperatives of Catalonia.

In its 2nd Edition of Annual Awards (2018):

“Award in the category of ‘Consumption’; for its contribution to Catalan society, to the cooperative movement and for translating cooperative values into everyday life”.

[watch video]

Rezero Award

Catalan Rezero Foundation for Waste and Consumption.

In its 1st Edition of Annual Awards (2018):

“inalist in the ‘Commerce’ category, for its contribution to the prevention of waste and responsible consumption”.

Green Commerce Award

Girona Council.

In its 1st Gala of Commerce in Girona (2017):

“Award Green Commerce of Girona City for being the most sustainable business and most respectful of the environment”.


Who does the coop belong to?

To all the members equally. Ownership and capital, as well as the responsibility to decide and manage, is shared. Membership is open to all those who would like to be part of this collective project, be it just as an individual commitment or those that would like to be further involved.

See statutes

See Cooperative Glossary

How is it organised?

We start from this principle: 1 member = 1 vote.

In assembly, we elect the members of the Governing Board, approve the annual accounts and decide on structural aspects. We are represented by the Governing Board which decides on the day-to-day running and organisation of the coop. The work of buying and selling is salaried and the participation of members in support tasks is voluntary.


Exactly. As well as being a cooperative, the objective is zero profit.

We don’t distribute the profits, the Governing Board is not remunerated and the salaries for the contracted work have a ceiling according to the activity and professional category.

The annual surpluses are allocated to a reserve fund, investments and activities. In the event of dissolution, we would recoup the social capital and allocate it to another nonprofit purpose.

What if it goes wrong?

We would only loose the capital invested (currently €36). We don’t have an endowment link. The coop complies with the compulsory reserve fund and other control measures to avoid the risk of financial mismanagement.

The accounting is delegated to an independent agency, we have an elected and unpaid auditor, and we provide accounts to the assembly at the end of each year.

What costs and supports do you have?

The main costs are the rental of the premises and the salaries of the employed staff, 13% and 65% respectively of the total expenditure (€145,000 in 2018). We get actual and potential savings afrom members who provide voluntary work.

Regarding public or private aid, El Rebost has always had its own economic solvency and has no structured supports or subsidies.

Who comes?

Members and non-members, from Girona and the surrounding areas, large and small families, single people or those with partners. Also young people under 30 and those over 70. Urbanites and neorurals, professional athletes, sedentary people, vegans, meat-eaters and those with dietary intolerances. Those who want to improve their health and / or change the world.